Poster Paints Make Bright Colorful Posters
We make posters around here for school projects, Girl Scout events, room décor and so many other things. For the love of all things posters, we found
lil' Poster Paint Pods are the best. Not only do they offer a variety of bright happy colors; they have
neon and glitter options too! We love that they come in individual re-closable pods which keeps them organized and saves them from drying out. The sets come with a brush too! Also we love the
lil' Paint Brush Set with 7 different sizes of brushes and tips so we tend to use them when we make posters.
Seriously, we LOVE the colors!
Select your Medium to Paint on
You may choose classic poster board or decide on a smaller canvas for your poster art. Maybe you are creating 8x10 signs to hang at school or you want to paint a large poster, now you are ready to lay down your design. Of course, someone people love to create freehanded while others prefer a more designed look. If you are the latter, you can start with a soft leaded
drawing pencil and lightly put your design on your poster. With your design done, now you are ready for poster paints!
Start Your Poster
The paints are super creamy and smoothly brush onto poster paper. And the variety of brush tips allows you to use all your creative juices.

This poster turned out so darling.

I love the way the different brushes create different stroke marks in polka dots.

These colors are destined to create bright and cheery joy!

Sometimes we add to the painted posters with marker designs.

This one is my favorite. Being oneself is so important. We are all unique (just like our artwork)!

The Poster Paint Pods are great to take on the go.

They work for painting rocks too!

Of course, we recommend placing kindness rocks painted with poster paints in areas that will not be affected by the weather. Or they can be sealed after drying with a water based shellac like Mod Podge.

Whether you choose to create posters or kindness rocks, the Poster Painter Pod set is your answer to vivid and delicious color.
Laura Kelly is a doodle artist and a visionary. She spends her time creating art and fun with her family and her Girl Scout troop. You can follow her blog at
Me and My INKlings and find her on social media platforms @laurakellydesigns .