Why Your Kids Will Love Their New DIY Chore Chart
Responsible kids are often ones who have been taught to follow through with commitments. Creating a fun way to teach responsibility with a DIY chore chart is simple with just a few basic items. Try the The Ice Cream Scented Double Dip Markers that come with 12 BRIGHT and cheery colors. Plus, each marker has two different tips, one pointed and one chiseled. Double dip markers are perfect for this project because they're great for little hands and they also provide your kids with a fun learning tool.Supplies Needed:
2 Foam Core Boards (White) double dip ice cream scented markers perfectly permanent double ended markers Scissors Velcro or Masking TapeFirst create a base board for your DIY chore chart
Depending on the age of the child, determine how many responsibilities make sense for a single day. The goal is to foster responsibility, not to get a ton of things done on a list. Customizing the chore chart to fit the child will create a connection that supports follow through, especially by discussing with the child what might be on their chart. Make the theme/design with the child's interests. For example, if your child loves soccer and space, decorate the chore chart using soccer and space elements. Using a permanent marker, write the child's name at the top of the page and their interests down the side, leaving room for the task pieces that will be added. Then it is ready for a child to color in.
Next Make Cut Task Pieces
From the second piece of foam core, cut rectangles (6 x 3 inches) for the tasks and squares (3 x 3 inches) for the checking off the tasks when finished.
Now Choose Tasks
Start by creating a set of tasks that is challenging yet attainable. The board holds 8 tasks (6x3 rectangles) it is okay to create more. Also the tasks can be changed out as needed. The same responsibilities for a school day might not apply to a Saturday. Let your child trace over your black marker outline writing to reinforce the tasks with colors of their choice.
Create Fun Task Done Affirmations
Next with the 3x3 squares create images that represent a job well done. Make these to coordinate with the task but in a fun way so the child is encouraged to receive the task done square. You can draw the outlines to be colored in or the child can draw their own.

Add Velcro to Pieces
Put Velcro on the backs of all the task & reward pieces (and the chart) and use it to attach them to the board. Another option is to use masking tape for attaching pieces.
And Now Your DIY Chore Chart is Complete
As children recognize that they are following through and being responsible, it will empower them. Rewarding good choices is an option but truthfully, fostering the feeling of responsibility will go much further than prizes and goodies.Laura Kelly is a doodle artist with a creative spirit. She spends her time making art and creating fun with her family and her Girl Scout troop. You can follow her blog at Me and My Inklings and find her on social media platforms @laurakellydesigns