arts and crafts

Fun Dr. Seuss Crafts for Kids

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

It's Dr. Seuss' Birthday! Let's Celebrate With Some Fun Crafts!

March 2nd commemorates Dr. Seuss’ birthday and like many schools nationwide who pay homage to the famous author that day, at home I thought it would be fun to spend time with my girls and make a few simple and easy Dr. Seuss inspired crafts of our own! My daughters each have their favorite Dr. Seuss book, so we started with a very colorful art project inspired by “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.” We took a sheet of white paper out of our DIY Sketchbook and I traced their little hands and then cut the hand shape out and used the Supermix Oil Pastels to color and create vibrant fish out. Dr. Seuss One Fish, Two Fish with paper hand cut outs We used glue and pasted the fish on white paper and after drawing in faces and bubbles, we wrote in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish in cheerful bright colors. Easy!

Time for Some Finger Painting Fun

Next up is a craft from another favorite book in our house, “The Cat in the Hat,” and we found this truly adorable “Thing 1” craft that was super fun and easy to make. We used the red paint from our Lil’ Poster Paint set and painted our palm, thumb, index, middle and pinky fingers in red and stamped our hand down firmly on a piece of construction paper. (kids really love this part!) Then we painted the palm of the other hand white and painted all of the fingers blue. Dr. Seuss Thing 1 with finger paint We took the paper with the red hand print and turned it upside down so the red fingers point downward. We stamped the white and blue hand onto the paper, connecting the bottoms of palms (red palm to new white palm). With a white fingertip I stamped a circle in the center of the red palm for Thing 1’s belly. Once the paint is dry, we drew a face with black marker and wrote “Thing 1” in the white circle. Finally we cut them out and taped them together. You can have your kids make an exact replica of this and write “Thing 2” to hang side by side. Our Dr. Seuss craft creations are appropriately placed on the fridge And then they found a happy home on the refrigerator.

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