Rainbow Paper Plate
Items needed:- Paper plate
- Cotton balls
- Glue
- Scissors
- Mighty Mega Markers
Rainbow Caterpillar
Items needed:- Recycled egg carton
- Googly eyes (optional)
- Glue
- Pipe cleaners
- Lil’ Poster Paint Pods
DIY Birthday Gift Bags & Cards
This one is a little different than the others in that you can get creative and completely make it your own. We have been making these for friends and family. These have been super fun to customize for birthdays! Items needed:- White gift bag
- Paper Works Sketchbook (for the card)
- Mighty Mega Markers
- Rainbow Sparkle Markers
- Any other items you’d like to make art with
Number Rainbow Matching Game
If you have a toddler or a preschooler, this one is perfect for them and so fun to make! Items needed: Step 1: Make a rainbow with two clouds on each end (I like to make the clouds first). This works best on white paper. Step 2: Color your rainbow, leaving the clouds blank. Step 3: Write a number on one cloud and then make that many hearts on the other cloud. For example, if you write the number 4 on one cloud, then make 4 hearts on the other cloud. Step 4: Do this as many times for as many numbers as you’d like your little one to practice. Step 5: Cut your paper in half so that your child will have to match the number to the correct number of dots. This is an activity you can expand on! If your child knows letters, you can do uppercase vs. lowercase letters. You can even write an equation on one cloud and the answer on the other cloud. The possibilities for this are endless!Rainbow Watercolor
This activity is a classic! I remember doing this as a child and still enjoy it as an adult. Items needed:- Lil Watercolor Paint Pods
- Watercolor Paint Pad
- Stencils or a shape to trace