about Suzy Ultman
Suzy Ultman is an illustrator, product designer, and toy creator known for her modern, bright, and quirky designs. In her first-ever collaboration with OOLY, she brings her signature style to Stickiville and Tattoo-Palooza with original designs that celebrate play, creativity, connection, and community in the world around us. ✨

get to know Suzy Ultman

Q: Can you tell us about your background?
A: I'm an artist, illustrator, and crafty girl working and playing in Ohio. I've lived on the East Coast, West Coast, Midwest, and on three continents which exposed me to a variety of people and communities. These experiences are reflected in my art, and my passion for nature, kids, connections and play.
Q: What made you want to become a designer?
A: I was born with designer DNA. From a very young age I was always making something, from sewing with my mom, to woodworking with my dad. When I was around 10, I began cutting out the PEANUTS comic strips and taping them into my scrapbook. Then, I’d spend hours upon hours drawing Snoopy. I also loved sketching food packages, creating collages with magazine bits, drawing my own bubbly typefaces, sending handmade cards, and writing and illustrating little stories.
Q: Where did you get inspiration for your OOLY designs?
A: One of my favorite childhood gifts was a paper doll book. I loved cutting and assembling the dolls. I adored mixing-and-matching the paper clothes — there seemed to be infinite combinations of outfits and stories for doll adventures. The cat sticker book is my take on a paper doll book. I hope it sparks your imagination!
Q: How would you describe your art style?
A: I would describe my style as sophisticated optimism and charm, with a healthy side of play.

Q: What’s the most rewarding thing about being a designer/illustrator?
A: That's a tough question as there are many things that are rewarding. So, just a couple... First, I get to be myself every day! I’m happiest when I’m expressing myself through the creative process, so it’s a privilege to call my job “work.” Second, it's extremely fulfilling to create content that connects with kids and families.
Q: What are your favorite OOLY products?
A: OOLY's watercolor paint sets are the best! The colors are so beautiful. I also like to carry an OOLY sketchbook in my tote bag. The sketchbooks are great for any drawing occasion.
shop Suzy Ultman's collection
Suzy Ultman's OOLY favorites
“I love OOLY because they have all your creative essentials. Their charming and colorful options are perfect for the studio or on-the-go”

extended play with Dress Up Cats
Turn the A Whole Lotta Stickers! Dress Up Cats Sticker Book into fun extended play!
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