arts and crafts

Beautiful DIY Watercolor Bookmarks

Beautiful DIY Watercolor Bookmarks
Bookmarks are such a fun way to design something creative on a smaller scale than a larger art piece. You can experiment with many different ideas without wasting lots of paper or art supplies. These are just two ideas for you to try, but the possibilities are limitless! **If you do happen to try making some of these cute bookmarks, don't forget to tag OOLY and Lady Lucas on Instagram so we can check out your creations!**

Bookmark Materials:

Using a ruler, draw a straight line across the middle of a piece of watercolor paper. Your bookmarks should be approximately 5" - 6" tall. Next, draw a line down the paper every two inches so that you wind up with room to paint 4 - 8 bookmarks, depending on the designs you choose to try.

How to create the CUTE CREATURE bookmarks:

  1. Using OOLY The Ink Works Markers, trace around a small jar opening to create the 'head' for your cute creature bookmarks. Add ears to the head shapes, faces, and other details like tiny hands (perhaps holding a book!) and feet.
  2. Add color to your creatures using the watercolors listed above. Don't forget the rosy cheeks! ;)

How to create the HAND LETTERED QUOTES bookmarks:

  1. Use different sized markers to create fun lettering for your quotes. You can choose a phrase that is short and generic, or quote a famous author. There are so many fun options for this one!
  2. After your lettering is done, paint stripes of contrasting watercolor hues across the bookmarks and let dry completely before cutting them out. *TIP: No matter which design you choose, re-trace the details in black after the paint dries for a crisp finish.*
If you enjoyed this post, I’d love to invite you to check out my artwork and OOLY‘s awesome feed on Instagram for daily creative fun and inspiration! xo Lady Lucas

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